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Sacred Birth 

$300.00 per birth


Bringing a child into this world is stressful for both mother and baby. Creating a safe, calming, loving energy for the two of them is of most importance. Creating a place of natural childbirth aids in reinforcing the bond between a mother and baby. Listening to the baby and energetically connecting with it during your Sacred birth allows you to work with the baby during contractions, placement, and pushing. Tools such as candles, light music, rocking mother, crystals, essential oils, and energy work all make for an easier labor. The energy helps relieve pain, assists in relaxing both mom and baby can help speed up the labor, manage breathing and heart rate, help with nausea and headaches, and assist the baby into the world with the least amount of impact and stress. Bring your child into the world the Divine way and start their human experience the right way through the spirit.

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